who we are

the surface

Since the foundation in 1982, the business idea has been to support the furniture industry with innovation and customised services.
The same spirit has grown the company so far.
Adapting proactively to a fast-changing market, we have continuously improved our production processes, developed new materials and technologies, widened our product range to supply our partners with the best quality and cost-effective manufacturing solutions.
Today, mediaprofili is the reference partner for primary clients in the industry.

the company at a glance




280.000 m2 productive surface

Specialized productive sites


Finished product warehouse

80.000 m2

Semi-finished products per day



1.300 people
18 nationalities

R&D and technological investment

8% on total turnover


95% export on total turnover Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, UK, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, Korea, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.



Starting out with enthusiasm
Media Profili, a company manufacturing profiles wrapped with polymeric foils and framed fronts, is founded in Brugnera. In 1984 the company moves to Mansuè, a site with plenty of potential for growth.


Foreseeing an evolution
Media Profili invented and started the manufacturing of completely wrapped components with polymeric foils, a revolutionary idea which redefined the industry.


Developing new ideas
Media Profili started to manufacture postformed components with polymeric foils.


Increasing quality
The adoption of PUR glue for all processes and new technologies for the panel processing (as the patented pre-edging) allowed to supply unmatchable high qualitative, sustainable and cost effective products.


Exploring new horizons
Media Profili launched the production of Flat Pack Furniture to serve new international customers.


High Gloss development
The company’s research on materials and application technologies allowed the production of high gloss components with polymeric foils with exceptional quality.


Responsability towards future generations
The FSC certification is obtained to guarantee that the raw materials used come from forests where strict environmental, social and economic standards are respected.


Paper wrapping development
Media Profili invested in new high efficient technologies for the production of paper postformed components.


Pursuing efficiency and efficacy
Media Profili obtains the ISO 9001 certification to assure its customers that quality of products and services are maintained and continuously improved, in compliance with international standards.


Keeping a commitment
Achieving PEFC certification confirmed the commitment to the environment through compliance with internationally recognized forestry good practice standards.


Turning a vision into a reality
The concern for and responsible attitude towards environmental resources and future generations led to the installation of the first photovoltaic system.


Striving for perfection
We sought to optimize production in a consistent, effective, sustainable way. ISO 14001 certification confirms that our management system assesses the environmental impact of our operations.


Logistic partnership
Media Profili reorganized the furniture packaging and logistic unit, increasing the focus on customers’ supply chain efficiency.


Sustainability is circularity and lightness
Media Profili begings the production of components produced with recycled PET. New technologies for the realization of honeycomb lightweight boards, a totally sustainable approach to the manufacturing of furniture components, are implemented.


Media Profili starts the Product Development Laboratory, a site dedicated to the fast and effective products co-development and testing.


Looking ahead
Massive investments in new technologies connected to new products, quality control and efficiency increase are launched in order to allow Media Profili to maintain a prominent position in the industry.


New goals and new challenges
Media Profili crosses the milestone of its first 40 years since its foundation.
The company continues to share with its customers the experience acquired and the know-how that distinguish it to continue to be a highly competitive partner and open the new production challenges.

people & values

Integrity and responsibility
are our founding and guiding principles.

Our heritage moves us to improve everyday to:
  • keep a fresh and passionate focus to generate innovation
  • strengthen collaboration day by day in and outside the company to build relationship that last
  • improve and work everyday for sustainability
  • delivery excellence by blending creativity and know-how